About Us
Established in 1966, Kansas Pharmacy Foundation (KPF) is a non-profit charitable organization comprised of past Kansas Pharmacists Association (KPhA) presidents. The Foundation receives direction from the KPF Board of Trustees. Our mission is to enhance the pharmacy profession to improve public health outcomes through support of education, research, development and practice innovation.
KPF will complement the activities of KPhA by generating funds, generating ideas and responding to requests on areas of mutual concern. The Foundation largely raises funds through grants and donations from members of the Foundation, KPhA and those that are friends of pharmacy in Kansas. We always are appreciative of donations that allow us to pursue the goals of the Foundation. For more information, see our bylaws.
Support the Foundation
Donations to KPF can be given as an honor, memorial or charitable contribution. A memorial contribution is an opportunity for family and friends to recognize the accomplishments of a departed loved one. An honor contribution is a commemoration of someone’s birthday, anniversary, promotion or graduation.
Encourage and assist the professional enrichment of pharmacists.
Encourage pharmacy public relations and consumer education.
Improve and expand the quality and scope of pharmaceutical services by innovation and improvement.
Cooperate and support KPhA on areas of mutual interests.
Encourage programs, which produce positive public attitude and positive self-esteem of pharmacists.
Encourage and promote pharmacy education.
Partnerships & Resources

Opioid Crisis Training for Pharmacists
A series of video and educational papers created in partnership with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment Bureau of Health Promotion.
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Antimicrobial Stewardship
Programs designed to encourage appropriate use of antimicrobials and build teamwork between physicians and pharmacists to ensure appropriate prescription.
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Immunization Information
Vaccine-preventable diseases can be very serious, may require hospitalization, or even be deadly – especially in infants and young children.
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